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Zenseoul programs are open to all, whether you are new to meditation or have some experience. Orientation and guidance are given according to the participant’s needs.

“Anyone who knows that soy sauce is salty can practice Zen.”
– Zen master Man Gong

Daily Meditation

Daily group practice is vital in building consistency and strength in our meditation experience. Zenseoul provides the following daily practice sessions online 7 days a week to support your meditation life. Participants can join all or part of the practice.

Morning 108 bows and 30 minutes sitting meditation

6:00 KST (Duration: 1 hour)

Thousand Hands & Eyes Sutra Chanting Kido (with Great Dharani repetition)

17:00 KST (Duration: 30 minutes)

Weekly Events

When we start Zen practice, sitting meditation with a group is very helpful for building our confidence. Zenseoul currently provides weekly online meditation sessions with Q & A dharma talks alternated with 1:1 kong-an interviews with teachers. During one-on-one interviews, participants can also get consulting on personal practice methods and ask questions to the Zen teacher. If you are joining for the first time, we will give you an orientation once you join via Zoom. According to the situation, in-person practice and retreats are also scheduled monthly. If you would like up to date information on these programs, please join our mailing list or check out our calendar.


Guiding Teacher – Andrzej Stec JDPSN

Weekly Thursday, 7:00PM KST (Online)

Every 1st & 3rd week of the month
Chanting, sitting (30 minutes), Q & A dharma talk

Every 2nd & 4th week of the month
Sitting (30 minutes x 2) with kong-an interviews


Guiding Teacher – Andrzej Stec JDPSN

Weekly Thursday, 7:00PM KST (Online)

Every 1st & 3rd week of the month
Chanting, sitting (30 minutes), Q & A dharma talk

Every 2nd & 4th week of the month
Sitting (30 minutes x 2) with kong-an interviews

Gangnam Zen

Guiding Teacher – Kathy Park JDPSN

Weekly Wednesday, 7:30PM KST (Online)

Every 1st & 3rd week of the month
Chanting, sitting (30 minutes), Q & A dharma talk

Every 2nd & 4th week of the month
Sitting (30 minutes x 2) with kong-an interviews

In-person Programs

In-person practice or retreats are scheduled once a month in Seoul. ‘Together action’ is an important part of our Zen practice. By joining regular group meditation we can see our own habitual tendencies and learn new ways to change them. We learn patience, resilience, and a clearer path for our life appears as we share in our experiences with others. The support and joy that comes from practicing as a community is an important foundation for a healthy spiritual practice.

For upcoming in-person event dates, please visit calendar


Retreat is a time to investigate our lives more closely. By setting aside time to practice away from our busy daily life, aside from decluttering our mind and experiencing peace, it helps us to get Dharma energy, which means strengthening our confidence. Zen retreats also help us to get clearer on our outlook on life and in finding our purpose by accessing our deep wisdom. Highly recommended, with instructions for all levels.

Join the monthly in-person one-day retreats provided by Zenseoul or the monthly online 24-hour retreats at Kwan Um Zen Online.

Zen Study Series

Zen is the study of oneself. As we commit to the practice, we can also benefit by learning and becoming familiar with the foundational teachings in Zen to help digest our experiences. The 360 Zen Study Series offered from Kwan Um Zen Online provides a variety of topics related to Zen ranging from ancient sutra texts, highlights of prominent Zen masters and their teachings, practice forms, and much more. These sessions enrich our experiences both on and off the cushion. Available for online participation and as recordings. For more information or to join the 360 Zen Study Series


Foundational Buddhist teaching can help us to digest our experiences on the cushion so that they can become wisdom. Taking precepts is a supportive and beneficial aspect of Zen training to help us lead a clear and meaningful life.

The Five Precepts

  1. I vow to abstain from taking life.
  2. I vow to abstain from taking things not given.
  3. I vow to abstain from misconduct done in lust.
  4. I vow to abstain from lying.
  5. I vow to abstain from intoxicants, taken to induce heedlessness.

At Zenseoul, members can become eligible to take the five precepts in the Kwan Um School of Zen based on some criteria and guidance from the Guiding Teacher. Precepts ceremonies take place at various scheduled times during the year. For further information please contact

Dharma Teacher Training

Zenseoul provides ongoing study and training for lay practitioners. After taking the five precepts, with continued consistent practice commitment, students may become eligible to take the ten precepts and embark the Dharma teacher-in-training program (DTiT). In this program, one can learn forms, how to lead meditation, help newcomers and support the Zen community activities, as well as continue an ongoing education of Buddhist teaching according to the Kwan Um School of Zen tradition and Zen master Seung Sahn, and a variety of related content that support one’s spiritual growth. For further information please contact

Upcoming Events